sweet lime all you need to know ..!!

Sweet lime or sweet orange in India is a very important fruit crop for the agriculturalists, cultivated extensively in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Orissa, West Bengal, Assam, Rajasthan, Mizoram, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. Though popularly known as Mousambi across India,
Grown in hot, climatic conditions, Sweet Lime cultivation requires loose and loamy soil – a mix of clay, sand and silt that is rich in natural nutrients. The trees of sweet lemon grow up to 26 feet in height, brown bark with numerous thorns  and tiny white flowers. The fruits look oval in dark green colour when raw but turn into bright yellow colour as they ripen.

The plant saplings will take around 5 to 7 years to grow fully and the amount of produce usually depends upon the quality of the soil, age of the plant, variety etc.
Sweet Lime In Ayurveda:

Ayurvedic texts like Bhavaprakasha Nighanta in the chapter Amraadiphala Varga recommends the daily intake of sweet lime or mousambi for curing digestive issues, throat pain, nausea or viral infections. Referred as Mista nimbu phala in Sanskrit, Ayurveda describes the fruit as sweet to taste, hard to digest, the one which can balance the doshas of vata and pitta but aggravates kapha dosha.

Boosts Immunity:

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in building immunity and shielding body from various seasonal infections like cough, cold and fever. Sweet lime being a powerhouse of this important vitamin is an immunity booster. Make it a point to eat this incredibly nutritious fruit at least thrice a week to beat viral and bacterial infections.
